Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shalwar Kameez Suit - A Cultural Emblem

Shalwar Kameez is mainly worn in the Asian countries, the central being “India and Pakistan” who owed it as an asset and still retain this attire with its changing shades. Each culture owes a set of tradition and norms. Apart from religion, racial discrimination and language; every nation has a striking feature in the form of a set dress code. Shalwar can be associated with the present loose trousers while Kameez can be linked with the amended version of a robe. 

Latest Shalwar Kameez Pakistani Women Formal Dresses Salwar Kameez Latest Pakistani Fashion

Nations foster their culture and hold back their traditions and inherited customs no matter how formulated they become. This dress has various distinctive features. The first, being the need to keep the body parts thoroughly covered and the second being easy to carry. It has become a requisite for the dress genre’. Yet, with the changes in mode and enhancement, it has become an amalgam of East and West. Its eye-catching and alluring versions and styles have given it an acceptance as a unique cultural need all over the globe. The modern Asian lady finds out her wardrobe incomplete without these sleek streamlined clothes. It is a stark reality of the hour that a dress does portray a peculiar culture. This dress displays the well-groomed people who are taking along with them their traditions but with the varying demands. The innovative cuts and flares in this dress have kept their real spark through diversified fabrics and alluring embellishments. No doubt, one does feel a certain element of haughtiness while moving out in Shalwar Kameez.

UK Based Designer Salwar Kameez
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  1. hey i like the heading...Shalwar Kameez Suit - A Cultural Emblem...Nice!
    Indain Salwar Kameez is no less than an Emblem for the country.Indian women possess an unremarkable beauty and women+salwar kameez= outstanding!

  2. Hi...your blog is really nice thanks for sharing nice salwar kameez designs

    Online Salwar Kameez Store

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  6. Salwar kameez is one of the most traditional forms of Indian wear still today. The sands of time didn’t sour its beauty. It is as pure and refreshing as it was decades before. Furthermore it also qualifies as one of the formal wear in almost all companies in India because everyone knows that Indian women look most beautiful and confident in Salwar Kameez .

  7. wow!I love these latest designs of salwar kameez. Salwar Kameez is an ideal wear for any lady who wishes to see herself simple and beautiful. Indian Salwar Kameez is apparently the most comfortable and suitable garment among ethnic Indian apparels. Thanks for sharing with us.
